TV premiere EWTN USA – Canada
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
live streaming Italian time 4.30 PM
times adjusted to match your computer’s time setting – orari forniti secondo il luogo del tuo pc
Written, directed and produced by Elisabetta Valgiusti
With Douglas Dean playing Saint John and Al Bettini playing Jesus
With the participation of H.E. Archbishop Martin Kmetec OFM Conv, Fr. Bruno Morriconi OCD, Prof. Maria Giovanna Muzj, Fr. Paolo Garuti OP, Fr. Giovanni Claudio Bottini OFM
Locations : Ephesus, Smyrna-Izmir, Jerusalem, Galilee Sea, Dead Sea, Patmos Island, Rome
On the shores of the Sea of Galilee, John and his brother James meet and follow Jesus who will call them “Boanerges”, the sons of thunder.
John is the youngest disciple, the beloved by Jesus. He is the one assisting at the Transfiguration of Jesus, leaning upon his breast at the Last Supper, staying beneath the Cross with Mary and taking her with him, the one who sees and trusts at the Sepulchre, who recognizes the risen Jesus at the Sea of Galilee and will stay alive until He comes again.
On the symbolical level John is the ideal disciple who represents all of us.
According to the Biblical Canon of the Catholic church, St John the Apostle Evangelist, is the author of the fourth Gospel, of the Book of Revelation, of three Letters.
In the 1h. docufiction by Elisabetta Valgiusti, the actor Douglas Dean plays the role of St John and the actor Al Bettini the role of Jesus. They interpret some of the most beautiful passages of St. John’s Gospel and Book of Revelation.
The program travels through the original places of St.John’s life in the Holy Land, in Ephesus in Asia minor, today Turkey, in the Greek Island of Patmos. Also the tradition reports that in Rome John undergoes martyrdom but is miraculously preserved from death.