Archbishop Lawrence Saldanha: May peace prevail !
Fr. Joseph Tobji: Convert your hearts and follow the path of peace.
Amir Harrak: Please spare people and their millennia old heritage and culture!
Sebastian Paul Brock: The rich heritage of Syria is a precious part of our common heritage.
Giorgio Arcadin: Today the worst danger is indifference , the danger to get used to the violences perpretated against harmful people and against their cultural heritage that is daily damaged. Indifference is the worst kind of complicity.
Let’s raise our voice and make our indignation be heard.
Columba Stewart OSB : We reaffirm our commitment to preserving the manuscript patrimony of the Christian communities of the Near East.
Margherita Levi: Let’s stop this cultural massacre!
Gennaro Di Martino, Novara, Italia: Saving the culture for democracy!
Sr. Marie-Cecile Osborne RJM :
The ancient city of Aleppo is a treasure, please save it from further destruction.
Luciana Stella : Let’s save Syria!
Claudia Danzi: Save your soul, your children, your future, stop fighting!
Macrios Jabbour: It’s a sin !
Daniela Serpilli: Save the human lives and stop the destruction!
Luisa Bastoni: Save Aleppo and Palmyra !
Ilaria Riccitelli : Let’s save them !!!
Boghos Levon Zekiyan: As very often, this time also we awaked up too late! Under the fallacious appearance of certain “democratic” slogans by people who don’t even know what democracy is (cf. what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia etc.), our infallible West gave all its enormous support to destabilize a country, Syria in this case, under the supreme, farseeing leadership of the greatest general of the 20th-21st centuries (Mrs. Clinton), a country which even if not democratic as to free thinking, was even more democrat than our Western system as far as the identity and autonomy of all registered ethnic, religious, and confessional communities (more than fifteen) were at issue. Our recent history is full of similar “post-prophecies”, a very emblematic case having been in the 60ies of the 20th century the creation of todays Nigeria with the open Western complicity in the genocide of the Biafra people (two million of victims nearly!). In any case, “better late than never”!
Elisabetta Galvani: Let’s defend the civilization !
Dina Di Stefano: If mankind does not understand why to defend these witnesses of her culture and history it means she is not worth to survive.
Giovanni Gentili: Let’s save the cultural heritage of Syria as a contribute for peace.
Roberto Giambrone : For the respect of cultural differences.
Federica Clarizia: So many people cannot die and their cultural heritage cannot be destroyed in such a silence and indifference!
Mariagrazia Giacomini, Trieste, Italia: In my city, Trieste, the different religious and ethnical cultures have collaborated in the harmony and mutual respect almost always. I wish that the cultural and historical richness will not be destroyed because of human greed and blindness .
Sr. M. Carmen Herrer Herrer: It is a duty of our civilized world to defend Syria and save Aleppo.
Muhyi Alkhateeb: Save Aleppo one of the most ancient cities on the earth.
Teresita Boriani: Respect people, history, art !
Biagio Cacciola: God save Syria.
Sryoum Nazaarour: Save the beautiful city of Aleppo working with dialogue not with weapons.
Nikola Segedi: For all my Aleppine friends, and all the places where we were hanging out together.
Maryvonne Duclaux: Syria’s cultural and historical heritage is a great example of peaceful coexistence.
Sharon Bossler, OP : I strongly urge that all of Syria and especially Aleppo cultural and religious buildings be protected for the people of Syria.
Ayad Al Sultan : We must do our best to save history of Halab ( Aleppo).
Andrea Bulgarini: Defend Syria – Save Aleppo.
Mujbil Al-Marsumi : Cultural icons are above any type of dispute.
Evangelia Hadjitryphonos : I love this country. Its monuments and sites are invaluable. They are the soul of the population and also ours.
Marco Rossi : Only the search of truth and of peace can guarantee a truly human coexistence and the respect of the culture and of the traditions.
Gabriella Cotta: First, save Syrian people, and also their history that is too important to be destroyed.
Andrew Louth FBA : It would be the greatest tragedy if these monasteries, going back to the early centuries of Christianity were to be destroyed or damaged
Elizabeth Williams : These are important monuments of Syrian and world heritage.
Richard Pinion : Defend Syria-Save Aleppo!
Sr. Mariam Norick : Blessings on your efforts to bring some peace to that area.
Falah Shaker Yahya : Stop the damage in old civilization.
Eleonora Trentini : Stop horrors !
Richard Stark: No violence is the only way to Peace.
Ayad Al Sultan : We must do our best to save history of Halab ( Aleppo) .
Mustafa Alward : I hope the civil war ends soon.
Lucia Mercalli : The destruction of the cultural heritage of a country is the consequence of the disgrace that war brings along: destruction, destruction, and again destruction , starting from the most important gift : the life of every man.
Muhyi Alkhateeb : Save Aleppo one of the most antique cities on the earth.
Sr. Sharon Bossler, OP : I strongly urge that all of Syria and especially Aleppo cultural and religious buildings be protected for the people of Syria.
Faris Elias Hasso : We must not allow anyone to compromise the old Cultural heritages, the foundation stones of cultural heritage.
Giuseppe Samir Eid: Save the coexistence of the peoples.
Emanuela Gall Ligal : Save the contemplation of the human being.
Etta Lisa Basaldella: Stop war, killing people and and destructions of the masterpieces of the present and past
Berge Oknayan: Save this patrimony of the World !
Carlo Coppola: I am an Italian citizen and for this reason I repudiate war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples.
Marco Battaglia: Let’s struggle for peace, love and culture!
Lesley Court: Something must be done to protect this heritage.
Gabriella Uluhogian: It is indispensable save Aleppo!
Marta Kovacs: Save the monasteries.
Ugo Banfi: Stop to barbarism ! It’s unbearable such a coward Europe !
Altin Kosta: Save the monasteries in Syria .
Serena Maria Cecchini: Hoping for peace.
Daniele Garrone: I firmly support this campaign.
Nicoletta Invernizzi: Save the world beauty.
P.J. Bezdikian : No comment.
Ambassador Ghanim Taha Al-Shibli : This is Highly vital to preserve these archeological sites for Humanity. We had bad experience in Afghanistan and Iraq. We even need international law enforcement to preserve these sites.
Gianna Andrian : We cannot accept to lose this cultural-historical-religious patrimony for ever . A patrimony that gives us an identity and that belongs to us . It has to belong to our sons too.
Marco Massari : It is unbelievable what is happening . We have to make any efforts to stop this state of things so that all of us might live in harmony and peace.
Angela Zaffaroni: Aleppo is one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Please save it for the whole humanity!
Ermanno Arslan: Saveone of the most important symbols of culture and civilization in our world.
Araxy Arslanian: Peace.
Simonetta Bove: I hope.
Gianni Piffari : Save the history of all of us.
Francesca Dell’Acqua: I wish to do something in order to save Syrian monasteries!
Vasken Berberian: Important to humanity.
Alessandro Pirola: So that the histories of men will not be forgotten.
Dario Buzzo: Save the culture.
P. Laurent Basanese: For stern as death is love, relentless as the nether world is devotion; its flames are a blazing fire. Deep waters cannot quench love,nor floods sweep it away. (Ct 8, 6-7).
H.G. Bishop Hovakim Manukyan: We should protect any religious monument.
Maria Di Falco: Save the freedom and save the tolerance.
Eugenie Arslanian : Save Aleppo, the most wonderful city , and not only its monuments.
Sonia Shaghoyan : War and distruction cannot be a solution to build the future!
Paola Antoni: Save Aleppo!!
Erica CD Hunter : Aleppo has a priceless and irreplaceable spiritual and cultural heritage. Its destruction, is a loss for all the world, not just forSyria.
Elisabetta Nicotra: I agree with the appeal Defend Syria-Save Aleppo, because I think that the aim pursued is a crucial matter all along and for each country, particularly in Middle East.
Razek Siriani: Save Aleppo heritage.
Martina Corgnati: Saving Christian Heritage in Syria it is crucial to give to future generation the true image and the true beauty of Middle East.
Mary Avakian : My father was born in Aleppo and it is through him that I know the great value of this city. Save Aleppo!